I found out who my host family is! They live in Fossano northern Italy only an hour from France! It is also near the alps and it is in the Piedmont region!
They have two sons one is eight and he is named Davide. The other one is much younger and he is called Agnese. The parents are Eros and Simo.
The parents said thatt Davide is very excited and wonders if I eat pasta and pizza! They also said that they would love for me to cook some American food for them, and Davide is curious what kind of food I eat! They sounded really excited about me coming as they have never had a daughter and a 16 year old at that!
Fossano is about half the size of Flagstaff and it will be about 0 degrees Celsius which is about the same temp as here is Flagstaff in the winter.
I am SO EXCITED!!! I am going to be a big sister!!! I wasn't so excied about ITaly before but now I don't know if i will be able to hold a conversation without monopolizing it with my news of Fossano.
Congratulations Michelle! I am so excited for you! :D PS you are leaving on Lyn's birthday! :D